The answer is a much larger nominating force: perhaps 50 to 100 people chosen from across the spectrum of theater professionals.
Today, as in previous weeks, that measure was attacked by critics from across the political spectrum, who disliked it for very different reasons.
Crude medical service utilization rates are very similar for older people from across the spectrum of social classes (see Table 7.8).
With criticism coming from across the political spectrum of the House, the program is in peril.
The Treaty settlement process has attracted criticisms from across the political spectrum since it began.
Religion is no bar and they come from across the spectrum of religions in Pakistan.
Those officials have also noted calls from across the spectrum of political groups for the new government to contain a broad ethnic and religious mix.
The new editor published political articles from across the spectrum in a return to the Reviews original intention.
The two organizations have made some influential new allies from across the political spectrum in the last seven months.
Concerns about how the law has been used have prompted calls from across the political spectrum for a reassessment.