They cut across class and gender, though women's groups almost certainly out-number those of the men.
There are also several smaller roles cast, inexplicably, across gender.
Prolactin has also been suggested to have different effects on the hair follicle across gender.
She tried introducing a distraction, a new sport, perhaps, with a range of appeal across all ages and genders.
Violence and torture against Barbie were repeatedly reported across age, school and gender.
But in this phase only one athlete per country can qualify across all the weight-categories and genders.
The magazine strives for an equality of the right to knowledge across cultures, generations and genders.
Soccer is the world's biggest religion, cutting across race, faith, geography, ideology and gender like no other global phenomenon.
This cuts across gender and rank and is not likely to change in the foreseeable future.
A comparison over the years of child labour force participation rate across gender and residence is shown in Table 1 below: