She took off at an easy jog across forty meters of open ground before reaching the designated hatch.
The larger pup jumped across ten meters of space, impacted, and clung.
All they had to do was get it across twenty meters of empty space.
Without pruning, the trees can reach 12 meters in height and spread across 10 meters.
He waved across fifty meters of open space toward the central controls.
However, one can come across the plane-trees 1200-1500 years of age, 50 meters in height and 4 meters in diameter.
It extends across 425,433 square meters, and each of its thirty areas features varieties of one kind of plant.
Brawne touched his hand briefly and stood, facing the Shrike across five meters of air.
The deathly concentration on her face was unmistakable even across two faceplates and three meters of methane.
They'd been flying in that loose V, spread out across maybe forty meters.