In this case, lateral decision processes are established that cut across functional organizational units.
Studies of horizontal power relationships (i.e. across functions or units) also reveal the influence of structure and the division of labour.
The pattern spreads across social units in a population.
After completing their tres militiae, some would continue to command auxiliary regiments, moving across units and provinces.
Researchers in the University are encouraged and supported to conduct research that cuts across disciplines and academic units.
However, Goldsworthy points out that the common assumption that rates of pay were universal across provinces and units is unproven.
I wonder how two people can be drawn together and then lose contact, especially in an age of easy communication, even across astronomical units.
By breaking down the communication barriers among work groups, rotation enhances the flow of information between workers and across functional units.
Share outreach information across units at all levels increasing the agency's ability to reach more underserved and socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers.
Performance is typically measured across departments, units, or functions.