Later in the movie Lakshmi somehow sees beneath the rough, mean Rajini and grows fond of him but is confused why such a nice man is acting so arrogantly.
"Whenever we would meet in the market," said Moustafa Sangare, a 30-year-old Muslim merchant, "they started acting arrogantly, raising their voices at our women."
The Tosefta taught that the generation of the Flood acted arrogantly before God on account of the good that God lavished on them.
Depending on one's views of the war as inevitable or not, Louis acted reasonably or arrogantly.
His family donated a large amount of money to get the new Sacred Heart Hospital built and as such, believes that he can do whatever he wants and is untouchable, causing him to act arrogantly.
They are acting arrogantly in violation of all norms of international law and rules of human conduct among nations and peoples.
John V came to the Hungarian capital of Buda, where according to one account he acted arrogantly while he was asking for military help.
Reuters quoted Mr. Ortega as saying, "They acted arrogantly, like Rambos!"
Antonius acted stupidly and arrogantly, yes, but tell me one thing he's done that someone else hasn't?
The European Union has accused the United States of acting arrogantly, pointing out that virtually no American jobs are at stake.