If pilot has logged less than 400 hours and has not acted as pilot in command within six months, a flight review is required.
Harlan is headstrong and the self-appointed leader of the students, acting as pilot on the bridge.
I took a thirty-day leave from the Air Force and acted as his aide and pilot during the trip.
Major, you were simply to act as pilot for Hunnewell while he inspected the Lax.
Pitt acted as pilot while Giordino kept an eye on the systems monitor, operated the video camera and worked the manipulator arm.
A pilot with this permit may also act as pilot of an ultra-light aeroplane.
Just before the luncheon he acted as pilot.
The first keeper, George Worthylake, with a salary of £50 a year, also acted as pilot for vessels entering the harbor.
The expedition was commanded, as he had known, by Colonel Lockhart who would also act as chief pilot.
Rupert was on the bridge with the Captain, and Rooke was acting as pilot.