I, for one, would act cautiously before building a home for my family on land that might have seen many years of pesticide use.
Thus, when Florence's art establishment decided last year that "David" needed attention, it acted cautiously.
Mr. Kelly, however, said the authority was trying to act deliberately and cautiously.
For now, though, many commissioners are acting cautiously.
If we hope to accomplish anything we must act cautiously.
She moved into feature film acting cautiously, choosing deliberately small roles to begin with.
When China made its first moves to free prices, in 1979, it acted cautiously and gradually, cushioned by a society that was 80 percent rural.
Its policy over the network question suggests that it will act cautiously, avoiding precipitous action.
On this issue, therefore, it is necessary to act cautiously, seeking the broadest possible consensus and taking account of international law.
That led both those holding and those seeking dollars to act cautiously.