It is clear he suspects why his father died and acts coldly to Schofield.
His advice is to act coldly towards Bastien, which will make him come running back.
Tillie annoys Edgar with her questions, and he acts coldly towards her.
He described a 13-year-old boy, adopted as an infant, who suddenly began acting coldly toward his father.
That night she acts coldly toward Rodolphe, but he ignores her.
Yes, they were in the same place in her damaged heart, for they had both acted coldly with no respect for the consequences.
They drive off, she apologizes to him, and he acts coldly toward her.
He took a deep breath, and in a cold voice said, "So you were ordered to act coldly to me.
What has happened to America that we could act so coldly, with so much approval, so few protests, so hard of nose and heart?
Her boyfriend, upon witnessing her secret life, acts coldly and eventually breaks up with her.