Hamilton and other supporters believed Burr acted dishonorably in deceiving them.
Why, therefore, do some suggest that these sailors and marines acted dishonorably in saving their own lives?
"Ham acted dishonorably, and slavery was life without honor."
To dream that you are lying to escape punishment, denotes that you will act dishonorably towards some innocent person.
"I will never disrespect the court, nor will I act dishonorably, period," Mr. Pellicano said.
I acted dishonorably.
The true Government of China has never recognized a treaty signed under duress, when a different age caused men to act dishonorably.
She was keeping a secret from him, she was acting dishonorably toward him, and many a pang it was costing her.
If a House Head was acting dishonorably, members of the Order would be sent to put him on the right path.
Since Silver Samurai acted dishonorably by using his mutant abilities when it was not allowed, he was then hit with a knockout gas-filled shuriken.