And as the first act drew near its end, I knew the real highlight of the show was coming.
That strange act drew attention to a history that included legal troubles and bad debts.
The mere act of talking was drawing the great new mind/s into closer and closer union with theirs.
The second act was drawing to a close, when two shadows loomed at the back of the theater.
This act drew criticism from some of his supporters in Korea.
Unfortunately, while no one wanted the clothing, the act of tossing it into the street drew no little attention.
The act drew the attention of international photojournalists, and the protest picked up steam.
The act drew considerable snickering from some corners, but she got the votes.
The magic act being performed there today would have drawn a crowd in any district of Erdin.
This act drew major criticism from the black press, believing that Foster had turned his back to his race in order to save money.