The Alien and Sedition Acts were among the most controversial acts established by the Federalist Party.
Throughout his life he showed great concern for culture and Galicia during his long emigration in Catalonia, where he became the chronicler of all acts related to Galicia celebrated in Catalonia, as once established in Lugo.
A person, who takes part in the competition, does the long ceremony and the act established by custom before the fight.
Suffer us to famish, and their storehouses crammed with grain; make edicts for usury, to support usurers; repeal daily any wholesome act established against the rich, and provide more statues daily, to chain up and restrain the poor.
They ne'er cared for us yet: suffer us to famish, and their store-houses crammed with grain; make edicts for usury, to support usurers; repeal daily any wholesome act established against the rich, and provide more piercing statutes daily, to chain up and restrain the poor.
Other notable acts established in this decade were Fetish, Wonderboom (est. 1996), Boo!
(2) The Supreme Administrative Court shall rule on all challenges to the legality of acts of the Council of Ministers and the individual ministers, and of other acts established by law.
Why must something which directly concerns fundamental rights not benefit from the guarantees and procedures applied to legislative acts established elsewhere?
Following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, the Committee on Development proposed the application of the procedure for delegated acts established by Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.