In this model changes to the histone tails act indirectly on the DNA.
CO2 indirectly acts to acidify the blood and by removing it the body is attempting to raise the pH of the blood.
Another important cancer gene, p53, acts indirectly on the cell cycle by preventing cells from making proteins that they need to stop growing.
So it usually acts indirectly.
There is also the concern of the non-place-based or non-location specific networks of economic social and political relations acting directly and indirectly upon land users.
A tac-nuke on the moon would have done the same thing, and not killed anyone-" "Law requires we act indirectly in covert activity.
Such reactive species may also act indirectly in redox signaling to turn on apoptosis.
And Phreak could act indirectly, by telling other players, who would come to kill the victim.
QE acts indirectly and relies on lower interest rates to stimulate demand.
In 1572 his release was paid for by a merchant, acting indirectly for Portuguese Jesuits.