Western scholars have mostly praised Nehru for the integration of the states into a modern republic but the act was not accepted universally in India.
Although one act of corruption is more accepted by society then an other?
Although their paintings do not appear particularly radical in their treatment of content or form, the very act of painting non-revolutionary subject matter in non-naturalistic styles, was not accepted by the establishment at the time.
Hurrying away on her next mission, Nicandra felt quietly elated because the little act of kindness in donating her scone had been accepted with so much pleasure and a thoughtful reservation for breakfast.
Little evidence tells of the 1898 Nelson Act leading to the Rebellion a few months after the act was accepted on July 1, 1898.
However, other acts passed after the reception date were subsequently accepted as law.
The act became the blueprint for zoning in the rest of the country, and was accepted almost without change by most states.
The act was accepted by Andrey Sheptytsky, the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, on July 1, 1941.
The very act of being in a gross material body is not accepted in as a Jivanmukta i.e. a person liberated from the cycle of birth and death.
Ethnic cleansing and massive acts of cruelty against the Albanian people can never be accepted.