If someone starts reporting that terrorists have invaded the base then peo-ple'll start acting logically and the whole Plan collapses.
He was sure his feint had succeeded for that reason; they still expected him to act logically, like a robot, even if he had "malfun6tioned."
He is an agricultural science graduate from Oxford University and feels competent to assess evidence and act logically.
It said: "By the time you have deciphered, you'll be ready to act logically."
The robot brain acted logically, without scruples, and didn't ask questions as to how many lives were snuffed out or what cruel injustice was committed.
Unfortunately they don't seem to have much experience of acting logically.
He did not hurry simply because he was obeying instincts rather than acting logically.
Taraza did not want him to act logically.
Unfortunately, the perpetrator may not be acting logically.
"You are speaking as if the murderer will act logically."