Indonesia, also acting partly in response to a perceived lack of technology transfer by the Japanese, recently decided to start its own national car project.
After surviving a crash in which all the other crewmembers were killed, Thomas took up acting partly as a diversion from the trauma.
Yet many of the companies seem to be acting partly out of desperation, as more foreign brands line the shelves of retailers in China.
A client's employees will then become involved in the actual War Game by acting partly as the company itself, partly as the other negotiating party.
Mr. Lott acted partly out of frustration over a Democratic filibuster related to other legislation.
The water acts on the float boards partly by impulse, partly by its weight.
He blamed the city's inability to act partly on the ineffectiveness of the form of government.
They acted partly out of fear that a vote for the cuts would expose them to Democratic political attacks, a fear well founded.
His character acts partly as the film's conscience, defending a Japanese-American fisherman accused of murder in the late 1940's.
The insurers are acting partly out of frustration.