It is a two act play, set entirely in a small apartment in South Philadelphia.
Despite this, as an undergraduate he authored essays, poetry, editorials, and a four act play.
Merging is a one act play written by Charles Messina.
He wrote the screenplay for the 2007 film Aliens, based on a one act play.
Also, the school produces one three act play in the fall, usually a musical.
There are currently two community theater performances a year: one summer large scale musical and one smaller three act play.
Twiggs Academy won state in one act play in 2010.
Stacey then wrote and directed the one act play, Work in Progress, which ran for three seasons.
She wrote a six act play, Gulzara, which was published in New World.
The three act play was first produced through government and university grants, while its second season was funded by box office revenue.