The Mayor believes he was acting prudently, and there is no way really to know who is right.
The trustees will still be bound by a duty to act prudently and in the best interests of the Council and its members.
But we do want to act prudently with the banks that are in trouble.
"I think the evidence will show that the company acted prudently, properly and lawfully."
"We're restoring some of the cuts the Governor proposed, but acting prudently and building up a reserve."
"We think we have been acting prudently and taking proper steps."
It is a matter of acting prudently under all of the circumstances.
During these difficult times, Congress must act prudently to strengthen our economy and assist those who are struggling.
"The money supply is certainly the domain where the problems are biggest," the official said, expressing optimism that Moscow's central bank would act prudently.
The job of the entrepreneur isn't to act prudently, to err on the side of caution.