But of course the hero acts unwisely, because in some dark cellar of his personality he wants the bad thing.
"You act unwisely in re- garding him as an enemy."
"Many acted unwisely during the curse," Cadderly managed to say after a long silence.
If no evidence is produced against him, Mund will simply be classed as a man who acted unwisely.
To see an old or broken one, denotes that you are about to act unwisely in some momentous affair.
To destroy illusion without understanding its reason for being is to act unwisely.
I hope that you will resist the temptation to act unwisely, Colonel Smith.
Chemistry "can cause people to act sexually impulsively or unwisely".
I think that you should always be the first one to tell your country that it is acting unwisely.
Every driver has personal experience of drivers acting unwisely while holding a cell phone.