She is currently the highest grossing action heroine ever.
In 2008, the film critic website Rotten Tomatoes ranked her the greatest action heroine of all time.
The reception of their independence as action heroines and their eroticized portrayal has been ambivalent.
Ingrid Schoeller was a German film actress best known for her roles as an action heroine in the 1960s.
She is possibly best known for her fight scene in Octopussy, in an era predating the big female action heroines of the box office.
As the character has developed as an action heroine the production team have also sought to keep the character grounded through her on screen family.
It's about the action heroine's perfect spiky hairdo.
Kerry claims that she would love to play a role as an action heroine.
Anjuman can be considered as the first established action heroine of the Pakistan film industry.
The inspirations for The Bride were several B-movie action heroines.