FOR AILLAS, the Ska occupation of Suarach posed him more than a military dilemma; the action, so coldly deliberate, also inflicted a notable personal humiliation upon him.
"Israeli forces continue to do their utmost to ensure that their legitimate actions against terror inflict the barest minimum of harm on the civilian population," the Israeli mission said.
His actions inflicted heavy casualties on his enemy troops.
"Let's compare the losses the actions of the two Watches have inflicted on ordinary people, our food base."
People take no account of the costs and benefits their actions inflict on others.
His actions inflicted numerous casualties on Villa's Forces and caused them to retreat back into Mexico.
To date, the latest violent action inflicted by GRAPO dates from 2006.
At a dinner given by President Roh today, Mr. Miyazawa told his host: "We Japanese should first and foremost recall the truth of that tragic period when Japanese actions inflicted suffering and sorrow upon your people.
By comparison, the slashing action of the sword may inflict grievious harm including considerable blood loss, but without necessarily inflicting a lethal wound.