These actions took place in 11 departments and targeted the civilian population, in many cases indigenous communities.
Critics contended that those actions unfairly targeted minority religions, jeopardized freedom of religion, and were motivated by prejudice.
This argument has been effective in American courts, and since the crisis, "41 legal actions targeting S&P have been dropped or dismissed".
FDA normally permits such traditional pharmacy compounding and the agency's action is not targeting this practice.
The Secretary General also called on Israel "to abide by international law and to ensure that its actions do not target civilians or put them under risk."
Israeli military actions have not just targeted the security apparatus of the Palestinian Authority, they have systematically inflicted damage on civil infrastructure which has no security role whatsoever.
- Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, as we know, terrorist action over recent years has targeted public transport - trains, buses, aeroplanes, ships and the areas in which they operate.
The action targeted the Rideau Centre because of alleged incidents of violence against the homeless by mall security, two of which resulted in litigation.
The direct action also targeted the Safe Streets Act, which the Panhandlers' Union had criticized for being legislation which 'unfairly targets the poor.
The action also targeted a by-law passed by Ottawa City Hall which outlawed selling newspapers on street corners.