The other board members are chosen by NGOs active in the national defence.
The law aims at strengthening the government's policy and regulatory functions, to provide more orientation to the numerous NGOs active in water and sanitation.
Some of the NGOs active in drinking water supply in Haiti are:
BlueLink is an established communications and exchange network of active environmental NGOs in Bulgaria.
Moreover, majority of the 150000 active NGOs in Turkey suffer from the scarcity of financial capacity and efficient communication networks.
It is constituted as a voluntary association, the members of which are the main NGOs active in the field of Finnish total defence.
Kenya has an active civil society including a number of local NGOs active in water supply and sanitation.
The centre gets clients through various NGOs active in Pune.
Commissioner, it is my wish that this muchdemanded equality between men and women should ultimately apply to all the NGOs active in this field.
I recently participated in a conference in Budapest with NGOs active in the fight against sexual exploitation of children.