If the active catalyst is generated in situ, Schlenck techniques or a glove box should be employed.
They form transition metal complexes that are highly active catalysts in some olefin polymerization reactions.
In practice tiny metal particles are fixed onto a substrate in such a way that they produce a very active catalyst.
During the reaction, platinum metal (platinum black) is formed which has been cited to be the active catalyst.
Although vanadium phosphinimides are isolable, they are not very highly active catalysts.
Reductive elimination gives ketone 3 with the regeneration of the active catalyst 9.
The catalyst, still active, was in the air, in the snow, and in the ocean.
Studies of non-linear effects with these catalyst systems suggest that the active catalyst is oligomeric.
One element of turning that around is having the Government become a more active catalyst for the changes that are required.
Cobalt seems to be the most active catalyst(it has the biggest and fastest effect on the process).