Only the active interference of the United States had enabled her to preserve so much as a semblance of sovereignty.
Sometimes, however, the sacrifice is really voluntary, and it requires the active interference of the Government to prevent it.
I don't want a clear bill, because it's better to keep Zurich bluffed; but active interference will only handicap me.
The first record of its active interference is in 1225.
Interventionism (groupdynamics): is an activity that functions with conscious and active interferences to improve group/family/individual functioning.
Compelling schools to become academies doesn't require active interference.
I don't have orders for active interference in the affair - I was just supposed to observe.
He brought about a good social status and dignity for the religious scholars with his active interference in the society.
They are also "protected" from active interference by opponents within their own goal area.
In 2000, Hobeika lost his parliament seat,due to active Syrian interference against him in the election.