So far no outbreaks or significant increases in mosquito-borne diseases have been detected, but the case count could rise with more active monitoring, Dr. Schapira said.
This is done through active monitoring by the Drobo's software, rather than passively through the file system.
Further, it was believed that it would be maladaptive to rely solely on active monitoring because it requires a lot of attentional resources.
Screen placement for active monitoring means that response time may be increased due to the nature of a single location from which to respond.
Still, some feel the current soul-searching, prompted in part by the Littleton news, may herald more active parental monitoring of their children's use of the Internet.
If the device stops responding, active monitoring will throw an alarm showing the device as unavailable and allows for the proactive correction of the problem.
As written, the DMCA does not require any type of active monitoring on the part of site owners.
Barlow finds that closer, active monitoring of a patient in terms of reaching that specific goal serves to measure both the therapist's performance and the patient's progress.
Habitual tasks require very little active "monitoring" by the brain.
A list of risk factors is used to create a comprehensive risk profile before initiating active monitoring.