"Settling your family in so close to active thermal vents isn't safe," Cotton went on doggedly, kicking at the dirt with the toe of his boot.
Pele's hair is gold or golden-brown, and commonly found downwind from active vents.
"Lucky Strike" is the largest known hydrothermal field, with 21 active vents spread over 150 km (57.9 mi).
The hydrothermal fluids, with temperatures close to 280 C (536 F), emerge from various active vents at a depth of 850 m (2,789 ft).
The dome has two active vents that eject incandescent gas.
Wakoto Peninsula extending into the lake has a number of active sulfurous vents.
Zone 3 - Areas less hazardous than zone 2 because of greater distance from recently active vents and (or) because of topography.
Zone 1 includes the summit and rift zones of active volcanoes-new eruptive vents can spawn anywhere inside this zone.
When they died, their soft bodies dispersed into the ocean, but the tripods remained; eerily regular clusters of orange spines concentrated around active vents.
The heat source for the active vents is the newly formed basalt, and, for the highest temperature vents, the underlying magma chamber.