The Pentagon decision came after Congress, just before adjourning, quietly doubled the limit on active-duty service for combat reservists to 360 days.
In addition to clearing the lieutenant's record and extending her active-duty service by two years, the Secretary censured the officer, now retired, who harassed her.
The amount received depends on the number of months the veteran served on active-duty service on or after September 11, 2001.
After his undergraduate studies concluded in 1975, Chávez entered active-duty military service.
In a statement, he said: "Recent graduates of West Point are choosing to leave active-duty service at the highest rate in more than three decades.
There are eight AC-130H and seventeen AC-130U aircraft in active-duty service as of July 2010.
All officers and enlisted personnel must meet the same physical, education, and other eligibility requirements as members of the active-duty services.
While all the active-duty services offer educational assistance, none offer four years' worth of tuition immediately upon every enlistment, or anything close to it.
After a rally, 500 marchers, including veterans, active-duty service, and their families, marched towards the White House.
National service obligations could be fulfilled by active-duty military service for two years and by serving in the reserves, generally for ten or twelve years.