The Subashi was supported by a military council, and actively interfered in political events.
The King's role is limited to the formation of government and he does not actively interfere in daily decision-making.
Turning off repeaters that you own is different than actively interfering with communications between tower and handset.
It's just come to my attention that the Soviet Union is actively interfering with another country.
I think I've thrown her a couple of fastballs, and at least she hasn't been actively interfering.
On the other hand, some kinds of behavior actively interfere with the majority's enjoyment.
But the voice had never actively interfered before in his dealings with other people.
If the robot's dead, so to speak, then he won't be actively interfering with history.
As long as you don't actively interfere with them they'll take no notice of you.
This was bureaucrats at headquarters actively interfering with an investigation that had a terrorist in hand.