After one last execution in 1597, those that remained were no longer actively persecuted.
The "national deviationists" were not actively persecuted until the late 1920s, however.
Those who did not actively persecute the small Jewish community within their midst quietly stood by while it was physically eliminated.
That is not to stay that fans could display their love for rock openly, but it wasn't actively persecuted until later.
As a young man, he, the four sons of Mosiah, and others wanted to destroy the church and actively persecuted its members.
This marked the change from discriminating against Jews to actively persecuting and deporting them.
It has been actively persecuted as a pest.
From 1775, McAlpin was actively persecuted by rebels for his loyalty.
Celsus wrote at a time when Christianity was being actively persecuted and when there seems to have been more than one emperor.
Germany actively persecuted the Roman Catholic Church for a decade after the war.