In late 2007, BusyBox also came to prominence for actively prosecuting violations of the terms of its license (the GPL) in Courts of the United States.
CTA has also been actively prosecuting vandals, announcing on several occasions that felony convictions were obtained against persons who spray painted authority vehicles.
Since taking office, Meehan and his office have been actively prosecuting corrupt Philadelphia city officials.
It's worth noting that there have been signs of progress: daring rescues have taken place, and the Iraqi justice system is actively prosecuting kidnappers.
President Reina, elected on a platform calling for a "moral revolution", actively prosecuted corruption and pursued those responsible for human rights abuses in the 1980s.
Smith summarizes recent Japanese disclosures to demonstrate that Emperor Hirohito, far from being a helpless figurehead, actively prosecuted Japan's aggressive war.
"The division will actively prosecute such international cartels," she said.
He did not actively prosecute the war; Alexander instead restricted Russia's contribution to the bare requirement to close off trade.
Serbs have accused Sarajevo authorities of practicing selective justice by actively prosecuting Serbs while ignoring or downplaying Bosniak war crimes.
Mr. Fitzgerald is not actively prosecuting the case.