Throughout the late 1970s, Wildmon actively protested television series that he thought promoted immoral lifestyles.
So no one in the area is actively protesting the reduction.
As a result, many dissidents became members of the Communist Party instead of protesting actively against the Soviet system throughout the 1970s and 1980s.
For the first time in our history, a significant portion of Americans were actively protesting one of our periodic wars.
Sanyal continued to actively protest against British colonial rule and was imprisoned seven times.
Bishop Walker actively protested against apartheid in South Africa.
Moreover, black workers actively protested wartime racial restrictions.
Robyn finally asked herself the obvious question... why wasn't her own leg' actively protesting the strenuous hike?
Ronald Reagan supported Poland's independence by actively protesting against martial law.
Articles condemning the decision appeared in the national press and students protested actively on campus and elsewhere for the restitution of the department.