The Song government actively spread the technology, introducing pumping equipment and norias to those areas as yet unfamiliar with the techniques.
Because criminal authors actively spread their creations, they are cautious about tipping their hand.
Recently side-lined by an injury, Zig's no longer able to actively spread the ideas that have helped millions of people accomplish their goals.
Best practices of Magnitogorsk metallurgical actively spread across the country through interplant schools.
Through both its music and its very composition, the choir actively spreads its message of racial harmony.
Rudd were illegally introduced into New Zealand in the 1960s and have been actively spread around the country.
The initial success in Melbourne led to the decision to organize a movement, to actively spread the eight-hour idea, and secure the condition generally.
At the same time he was actively spreading the gospel of democratic Toryism in a series of platform campaigns.
Many tornado myths are actively spread by media outlets.
This disorder most commonly affects children and tends to be more actively spread during the summer.