Despite this, many pro-life activists consider Hutchison to be pro-choice because of her basic support of Roe v. Wade.
How much of a rich person's wealth would activists consider to be their "fair share"?
After months of legal wrangling, the landfill was closed, which the activists consider a victory, and the Vietnamese-American community in New Orleans became a political force.
The new left activists consider these traditional dissidents too alienated and more interested in foreign attention than domestic change.
Some activists consider that the Indian caste system is a form of racial discrimination.
Environmental activists, while thrilled with these moves, consider the change a first step in cleaning Africa's air.
Arab and Muslim activists consider such portrayals to be racist.
Many transgender activists, such as Roz Kaveney, consider the term a slur and recommend against using it.
Despite major investment in improvements in the facility some activists still consider it a detriment to the community.
While many environmental activists today consider woodchoppers and timber-fellers of old as nature-hating barbarians, this could not have been further from the truth of Shewry.