The protesters were also requesting the release of Yorm Bopha, a former activist fighting for the same causes.
Working closely with her husband, Kasturba Gandhi became a political activist fighting for civil rights and Indian independence from the British.
The activists fighting the evil junk-food industry always had a streak of neo-puritanism in them.
Razia is an activist fighting illegal logging in Madagascar.
He was an activist, fighting for freedom of expression in art and politics.
He was a political activist, fighting for the rights of the indigenous Kenyans in aviation before becoming a pilot.
Tommy is a political activist fighting against the biotech corporations, who plan to open a new natural park populated by animals artificially created by cloning. The group's members are typically activists fighting U.S. imperialism.
I was a political activist fighting the evil regime of apartheid.
In this Parliament we pay homage to activists fighting to save the brown bear, for example in the Himalayas.