The police claimed that the activists held an unsanctioned rally.
An activist from Action Aid International held a solo protest on 14 September, and her group staged a silent protest the day after.
Some activists who remained at the bottom of the steps held signs and yelled words of encouragement at the 'Capitol Crawlers'.
Legal scholars, economists, activists, policymakers, industries, and trade organizations have held differing views on patents and engaged in contentious debates on the subject.
And many activists hold little hope that the king's committee will resolve their grievances and lead to genuine reform.
Local activists held a Phelps-A-Thon in response.
Political activists hold press conferences to state opinion on proposed legislation, and candidates use them to communicate their stance on important issues.
About twenty activists held a celebration in front of the central government liaison office.
We as activists hold very special the important role trade unions have played in the Labour Party and feel that we have a continued role to play.