Mendocino is famous for being a bastion of rural counter-culture where many liberal activists and members of California's hippie generation led a "back to the land movement" during the 1970s.
"That gives us our opportunity just as it has in every other Southern state when the Democratic party leadership and activists led it into nominating a liberal."
Over the next months the activists led by Elbegdorj and others continued to organize demonstrations, rallies, protests and hunger strikes, as well as teacher's and worker's strikes.
An activist, Tommy Calvert Jr., attended the event and led a group of a few dozen people who wore armbands.
They are a band of like-minded activists, many in their 20's, leading a charge to direct protesters from Richmond to New York for the convention, Aug. 30 to Sept. 2.
A local resident and activist, Geneva Tweten, led a campaign to save the mill as a symbol of the rural life.
At the beginning of the 21st Century it was not surprising that activists of RKAS led strike committees and worker councils of mines.
The occasional activist has stirred up a revolt at an annual general meeting, led a no-confidence vote against management and even taken executives to court.
It was expected that law courts will be established after the demolitions, however activists successfully led a campaign in 1979 to preserve the Mint buildings as well as Hyde Park Barracks.
The leaders of the G-8, as the group is known, were going to offer far less in aid and trade to developing nations in Africa than the activists had led their followers to expect.