Local activists are pushing for more bike lanes, as well as for these lanes to be respected by motorists and kept clear of debris.
Some activists, moved by what they call the "genetic bewilderment" of donor offspring, are pushing to outlaw anonymous donation altogether.
With British public opinion shocked by Nightingale's revelations about the poor care of soldiers in the Crimean War, activists pushed for reform.
Other activists were also pushing for progress.
A few thousand activists push the Republican Party to the right and the Democratic Party to the left.
This species was first registered in this class in 1999, although many activists pushed for it to be included as early as 1978.
While investment bankers, corporate chieftains and bond brokers pursued wealth by whatever means worked, activists pushed for preservation without restraint.
It was only a matter of time before the overenthusiastic activists, in the name of environmental preservation, pushed community recycling efforts beyond the limits of cost efficiency.
When activists pushed their verbiage and pictograms to their obscene limit, they could make me cringe.
When the desired effect didn't take hold, activists pushed their verbiage to the next level.