Nikolay Alexeyev and his fellow activists supported the campaign against the closing of the club.
More than 1000 activists support the campaign.
Near half (50% and 39% in two surveys) of activists do not support direct action.
Most activists supported the war itself but opposed the annexation of new territory, especially the Philippines.
Some activists have supported the legalization of alcohol sales on the reservation so that the tribe can keep the revenues.
As part of the political left, activists against corporate power and influence support a decreased income gap and improved economical equity.
Some Jain scholars and activists support veganism, as the production of dairy products is perceived to involve violence against cows.
Democratic activists support campaign finance reform without much thought about its electoral consequences.
Many civic activists and organisations supported the College's opinion.
Some pro-life activists promote the idea that she was anti-abortion and would support the pro-life side of the modern debate over the issue.