In the court's view, only speculation supporting the assertion that human activity associated with the school would harass the owl.
The former activity was later retracted and the latter activity associated with the now-known 104.
The neuromatrix theory aims to explain how certain activities associated with pain lead to the conscious perception of phantom pain.
Human sexual activity or acts of force or restraint associated with such activity.
Prostitution itself is legal, but many activities associated with it, such as pimping and running brothels, are illegal.
This program is aimed at eliminating activities not associated with our core business functions and strengthening areas that fuel Xerox's growth.
At first, Ms. Symonds said, she was surprised at how the pupils took to knitting, an activity not usually associated with boisterous children.
The decreased water flow will also negatively impact, if not eliminate, all economic activities associated with the Omo River such as farming, fishing, and tourism.
All activities associated with the promotion and evolution of local and regional autonomy on the basis of the Charter.