There's also an activity list for the week.
To save time, ignore the common activities, like swimming and drama, that are on every camps' activity list and begin your search by state.
There were too many other things on her activity list.
DJ and travelling enthusiast Okay, so this activity list is looking a little...sparse.
Under the reports was the sheet with the activity list the watchdog program had located.
Detection rules designed to capture the suspicious activity list given above, should be evaluated.
Jane Harper, 35, of the Danbury/New Fairfield Newcomers Club, said the clubs had been steadily adding the game to their activity lists.
Journalist Okay, so this activity list is looking a little...sparse.
Sister of Charity and confident of Rasputin Okay, so this activity list is looking a little...sparse.
While the activity list at ski areas has been steadily expanding, the resort business itself has been going through a remarkable consolidation period.