The comedic actor, whom Tad Friend profiled this week, announced that he plans to leave the show at the end of the seventh season.
During a dim theatrical season, an actor in "Forbidden Broadway" announced a parody of the current hit shows - followed by a prolonged silence.
However, in 2012 the actor announced his departure once more.
Eventually, the other actors announced they were also ready to move on to other projects, thus ending the show's eight-year run.
The 57-year-old actor announced his decision late Wednesday, just a few hours before a deadline for entering the town's municipal election April 12.
Ms. Coonrod's almost scholarly approach - an actor announces scene numbers in her adaptation - is too inert to keep us engaged.
"This is scene five of act five," the male actor announced.
"I know a powerful and undying thirst," the actor announced.
He later publicly announced his illness making him one the first actors to announce he was suffering from the disease.