It was soon reported that the actor for the main role had fallen ill and could not attend the rehearsals.
An rising actor and model who attends Koyoru's school, though he is frequently absent because of his career.
Like the script, the actors are better at attending to surface details than the substance of passion and suffering.
For a month and a half before shooting started, the actors who portrayed apes attended "ape school".
It is usually recommended that serious actors attend acting workshops to help increase their skill.
Neil Jordan said he was hopeful that the actor would attend the awards ceremony.
The actor had attended a wardrobe fitting, but it was decided to save the character for a third installment.
The Era says that not a single actor attended his funeral.
As more actors and their friends attended, the number of workshop attendees quickly became too large for small rehearsal spaces.
Additionally, actors and members of the design staff attended to field questions and sign autographs.