The actor displays a comforting stage confidence and he is adept at handling frippery as something natural, not forced.
It is worth noting here that one important thing Mr. Wills fails to mention is the gallantry the actor displayed in the face of cancer.
All the actors display coolly expert timing, especially Ms. Bening as the antihero's grasping wife.
But in groups where the actor displayed a positive response - say, by smiling and leaning forward - participants were more cooperative in allocating the money, she said.
All the actors display coolly expert timing, espescially Ms. Bening is the antihero's grasping wife.
An actor to the finish, Verne displayed an agility which he had publicly laid aside during his brief career as a master of well-timed crime.
The actor displays exquisite command over a complex character that is definitely a first in Indian cinema.
They are instead a matter of moments in which a mask seems to drop, and an actor displays an emotional nakedness that most people take pains never to reveal in public.
The actors, too, light up marquees and display awards on their mantels.
Moments have been emphasized during which the actors in the spots display traits like being "good friends, non-judgmental, non-competitive, successful, outgoing, easy to like," he added.