The black singer, actor, athlete, humanitarian and crusader for social justice embodied a concept of nobility that in today's cynical age of tell-all television seems almost touchingly quaint.
Jennifer Hopfinger of said, "watching Khan and Bachchan go toe-to-toe with grandiose speeches about love and fear-emotions that the two actors have embodied professionally-is ample entertainment."
As an example of that popular if strained theatrical genre, the one-person show in which a single actor embodies a legend, "Papa" is much better than average.
Calling the practice of this tactic "kynismos," Sloterdijk explains that the kynical actor actually embodies the message he/she is trying to convey.
The Philadelphia Inquirer raved, "With what elaboration of detail does the actor embody his conception!
(The movie carefully shoots around Welles, giving him the impression of physical grace, a quality that, as David Thomson notes in his Welles biography, "Rosebud," the actor didn't exactly embody.)
The young actors, led by Katie Honaker as the aviator and Diana Ascher as the Little Prince, delightfully embody characters ranging from roses to a snake.
Not too many actors could have embodied this titan's dominating father, but Coburn is Saturn-like in his awfulness.
With his pouting good looks and slightly out-of-sync mannerisms, the actor embodies the two thrusts in young Richard's charming assault on us: charisma and callowness.
Mr. McCabe, an actor, founded Sons of the Desert while Laurel was still alive, and he recalled a suggestion from Laurel, now embodied in the group's constitution.