And following a performance by the Living Theater, the actors led the audience up the aisles and right into the streets.
At noon on Sunday, the young actors will lead a parade to the square, where they will perform and interact with the public all afternoon.
The actors - children from the island of Rügen - take the visitor by the hand and lead you through this magical world.
Instead of giving performances, actors will lead audiences in discussions of the situation.
In his time, actors, essentially the artists of whom he writes, led serflike existences.
This was an interactive play, aimed at children, where the actors lead the audience through the set, with set piece events occurring at various points.
E-mail sent to 40 media executives, an actor and two journalists led them to think that a murder had been committed.
Liz Hartley said the actor was "leading a campaign against the media" and had made "serious allegations" based on "thin" evidence.
Still obviously shaken, the young actor led the Three Investigators up the stairs and down to the end of a long dusty corridor.
A costumed actor will lead a walk past sites of importance in Washington's life.