The actor, shaking his head as the urgency of her voice roused him, responded dazedly.
The actor responds to three sets of reminiscences that come at him from all sides according to a predetermined sequence.
So I'm fascinated to see how actors respond to the challenge of the play.
But the actor stayed in character and responded, "If you look weird, you belong up onstage with us."
But planning even seconds in advance is usually futile, because the actors must always respond to what their colleagues have just done or said.
It's important for their performances that the actors work for the audience's approval and respond to their feedback.
Many actors and actresses responded by paying large amounts of money in order to "buy" his silence.
The actors in the video scene respond to the actions of the trainee.
He specified "documentary" in the ad so actors would not respond to the ad.
'We'll leave the foreplay until later,' she breathed, and the actor responded with steady thrusts.