This is the premiere of the piece in English, and the actor, obviously uncomfortable in the language, struggled on Friday night to pronounce it.
If so, It would take years like most actors struggle to get to the top.
More theaters closed, fewer productions were staged and Yiddish-language actors struggled to find enough work to support themselves.
He said that Ms. Keaton, an old friend, was an ally, especially as the younger actors struggled with their roles.
The reviewer also criticised Thampi Antony's performance stating that the actor is "evidently struggling to fit in to the role".
The actors struggled not to laugh, which kept them from fainting from the heat.
But in "Naked Fame," the actor struggles as a singer with reduced odds of a payoff.
The actors struggled to stick together and they managed it.
In one, a blond actor struggles to get comfortable on a couch for a relaxation session.
And American actors have often struggled with the nuances of his inimitably English dialogue.