The actress added that Cassandra was ready to "spice things up" around the place.
The actress added that Texas' feelings for him grow stronger after seeing his sensitive side.
The actress added that her character would have to make a decision as she had finally moved on with somebody else.
The actress added "He was Summer's first true love, so she will always have a special place in her heart for him."
The actress added that the miscarraige will "be a really difficult thing for her to ever get over".
The actress added that Moira had sensed something before it happened, which made the situation worse.
The actress added that even though Silas has let her off this time, he could strike again.
The actress added that she really wants people to like Diane and be able to relate to her.
The actress added that Natasha cannot cope by herself and if she continues lying to everyone, they may turn against her.
The actress added that Vivian would become humorous in the future.