The actual bill enabling the pipeline then passed easily; Gravel had triumphed.
In most cases the 'rates' used in the calculation will be the same amount as the actual bill you received in 1989-90.
Here is a copy of the actual bill that went through Congress.
The speaker of the assembly's office said it could not comment without reading an actual bill.
The actual bill for repairs was lower because the crew has been able to do much of the work itself.
Although the negotiators still have not produced an actual bill, the agreement apparently is satisfactory to all three sides.
I was on the White House's website, and it looked more like a proposal than an actual bill.
The is no actual bill as of right now.
They declined to comment on specific provisions until they see the actual bill.
The great advantage for the faint of heart is that no one will actually see the actual bill before it's passed.