The actual configuration of the temple is difficult to catalog.
The average effect of the two displacement fields breaks the bilayer's inversion symmetry-its mirror image is no longer identical to the actual configuration.
The actual configuration of the state and other institutions that regulate people's lives depend on the constant interaction between power and counterpower.
As such, while the overall unit is still referred to as the Mark 11, the actual configuration at any given time will vary.
The actual configuration of the Nike sites differed depending on geography.
The actual configuration was known as a "circle five" primary optic.
In addition to a wavefunction on the space of all possible configurations, it also includes an actual configuration, even when unobserved.
"How common is the actual configuration?"
The ratings are averages, since the actual configuration of the system and the type of work being done will affect battery life.
The tracks themselves are very close to their actual configurations and contain the scenery specific to the courses nationality.